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December 1, 2016

Dear Family, Friends, and Supporters,

It is the time of the year when we sing, Joy to The World, Away In a Manger, and O Holy Night. Some of us belt the words out because we are excited. We remember something miraculous happened in that stable; Our Savior was born! We celebrate His Birth with our families and friends. We give gifts, enjoy Christmas parties, and may even take a few days off from our hectic pace of life.

Conversely, there are those whose circumstances of life exists in sharp contrast to the happiness this season invites. Often inmates and their families feel no joy during the holidays.

We at Sanctified Hope (SH) are busy working to bring our first two women/participants here in December. However, SH’s plans also include a fitness and education center on our three-acre property and a similar transitional living program for men at another location. Equally important is the work we do to promote systemic change within the Federal and State Criminal Justice Systems. Changes that will help to ensure a successful transition back into society; changes that will cause recidivism rates to be dramatically reduced.

Yes, SH has short and long range plans to provide opportunity for returning citizens (individuals released from incarceration) and their families to know and experience the love and forgiveness from the gift of that first Christmas; God’s coming to earth in the form of a newborn baby. Our plans require prayer and financial support.

All of us here at SH would like to wish you a Merry Christmas. May you have a wonderful and joyful time of celebration as you remember the miraculous birth of Jesus. We also pray and ask that along with all your preparations and activities of the season you will consider a monetary gift for SH in honor of our Savior; investing in a legacy of life that extends beyond the holiday season. For end of year contributions send by December 31, 2016 via mail or you can give on-line at

Warmest regards,

Sanctified Hope Board of Directors and Staff
P.O. Box 581
Weatherford, TX 76086

Sue Moreland - Executive Director
The Board of Sanctified Hope
Janet Duvall, John Gordon, Shaun Herring, Gayle Wells, and Randi Daniel

Volunteer ---------------------- Partner -------------------- Donate

We invite you to check out our website, "", let us know what you think, we'd love to have your feedback at

If you feel God leading you to participate by supporting this ministry financially, please mail a check to the address below or donate securely online from this DONATE link. Thanks again.

Sanctified Hope Home for Women
P. O. Box 581
Weatherford, TX 76086