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Sanctified Hope, HOME page

Dear, *|FNAME|*

We have some exciting news to share later in our newsletter. Also, in January, Sanctified Hope will be featured in the magazine, Parker County Life-Style. It is a beautiful, free magazine, and can be picked up many places around Weatherford.

High Tea

December 8th, Sanctified Hope hosted its second monthly high tea. Brenda Tilory and Nancy Stillman beautifully decorated the table and served a variety of teas and delicious finger sandwiches, scones and other delightful delicacies.

Our Strategic Planning Meeting – Big Plans ahead

Our board met together for an all-day strategic planning meeting on December 3rd. Steve Wells, a great facilitator, masterfully led us. Each year we will have a strategic planning meeting to ensure our success as we serve the Lord.

Blessing Overflow

We have been blessed with many wonderful items at our box located at the King Law Office at 2100 Ft. Worth Hwy. Also, First Methodist Aledo and Christ Chapel West blessed us with many paper goods and toiletries too! If you would like to drop off some items, we currently need food staples to stock our pantry. Thank you so much.

From Our Executive Director, Sue Moreland

As you read this, your Christmas celebration has passed. Maybe you are finally getting a moment to relax while others of us are already contemplating our New Year. Whichever scenario fits you, we are delighted you are taking the time to read our E-newsletter. In 2017, we at Sanctified Hope (SH) have two major goals:

  • Provide a home and program for women returning from incarceration; a home where they are loved, nurtured and trained how to grow in their spiritual lives and to become fully productive citizens.
  • Make our readers/supporters aware of SH and our woman’s needs, success and also bring awareness to situations within The Federal Prison System or Texas Department of Criminal Justice that my impact our re-entry services.

On that note, our first participant, Kelley arrives on January 2, 2017. She is very excited to have found SH; a re-entry program that will provide her opportunity for the growth in Christ that she desires. She is a vibrant young woman who states; “Even though I was raised in a Christian home, a pastor’s home no less, it was not until my last period of incarceration that Christ became my Savior. Prior to that He was just a set of rules. Now He is my all in all. I want to become a blessing to everyone, to learn and to teach Christ’s Word.” Kelley desires your prayers that her new life will lead her into a position where her ‘lived experience’ will help many women.

As you have read our newsletter over the past few months, perhaps you have thought, “That is a ministry I would like to support.” This year could be the start of your giving and in doing so you will gain a sense of satisfaction and goodwill, knowing you have helped to change a life(s), and helped to eliminate the costly price of women returning to prison after being released (recidivism). Also, your gift to SH will free your tax dollar for more productive means. Please prayerfully consider a year end gift for Sanctified Hope. You have a few days left in the year to send your monetary gift in the mail to P.O.Box 581 Weatherford, Texas 76086, or go to our website and give through Paypal.

We at SH ask you to Think Big, Give Big, and Be Big in Gods’ Sight!

The Board of Sanctified Hope
Janet Duvall, John Gordon, Shaun Herring, Gayle Wells, and Randi Daniel

Volunteer ---------------------- Partner -------------------- Donate

We invite you to check out our website, "", let us know what you think, we'd love to have your feedback at

If you feel God leading you to participate by supporting this ministry financially, please mail a check to the address below or donate securely online from this DONATE link. Thanks again.

Sanctified Hope Home for Women
P. O. Box 581
Weatherford, TX 76086