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Dear Friends

New Year, New Participant, New Exciting Challenges!

Sanctified Hope Loves Retired Teachers!

Our New Year started with the opportunity to speak to approximately 75 retired teachers. We met for a lovely lunch at Central Christian Church. As we showed our powerpoint, they responded with great interest in Sanctified Hope. We believe that some of them will mentor women that want to got to college. Also, we shared our need for individuals to support a woman at $300 a month to pay for their program fees. We thank Debbie Pipes, president, and all the teachers for being so gracious to Sanctified Hope.

Meet Kelley!

Our first women, Kelley, has been doing fabulously. She has been greatly impressed with how well she has been received and made to feel special; from flowers, a home- cooked meal, new clothes, toiletries and wonderful classes, she has been blessed. She is enjoying her new home.

Kelley attends recovery classes 3 times a week and exercises with Shanna Mello several times a week at our home. She also goes to Bible Study Fellowship and has a personal mentor, Cheri Fogelman. Also, Martha Johnson teaches Search for Significance once a week. She attends Serendipity Class and worship on Sunday morning at Trinity Bible Church.

Tea at Two

We had our third high tea with 3 women in attendance. We invite women that will help us share the good news about Sanctified Hope. The women are always surprised how nice our facility looks and how wonderful and special they are made to feel.

We have trees!

We had trees donated in memory or in honor of Fathers on Father's Day. The trees were donated by The Robb Family, Cheryl Heath's granddaughters, Sandra Edwards, and Caren Atkinson. The trees were planted by a group from Northside Baptist Church last week. Wesley Duvall of Duvall Landscape and Maintenance had used an auger to dig the holes so the work went quickly. We can't wait till Spring to see the trees in full bloom!

Our story in Lifestyle Magazine

Sanctified Hope was featured in Lifestyle Magazine, a new quarterly Parker County publication. It is a beautiful free magazine that can be picked up many places around Weatherford. We have had several calls from people wanting to volunteer and from relatives trying to find a place for their loved one after incarceration; all because of this wonderful magazine. One such person, Phyllis Lister, from Taste and See Bakery called us to donate bakery treats. She derives her name from the verse in the Bible, "O Taste and See that the Lord is good". Psalm 34:8. She will be helping in the future with cupcakes to celebrate sobriety birthdays. Go by her shop and 'taste and see' her delicious treats. They are amazing!!

From Our Executive Director

January has been a month of joy as our first participant arrived January 2nd. Her transition has been very smooth in this first month.

Please mark your calendar for the evening of Thursday, March 30 for Sanctified Hope’s Second Annual Gala. Please begin to pray for the success of the event; it is our major fundraiser. Please plan to attend.

The evening will be amazing and attendees will enjoy a time of fellowship, fine food, education and entertainment. The event starts at 5:30 with a Silent Auction you will not want to miss. At 6:30 Mama Monica, recently from Italy, will serve authentic Italian cuisine made from fresh good seasonal ingredients, straight from Texas gardens with some specialty items from Italy: “A Taste of LaDoice Vita.”

The program will touch your heart and provide a deeper understanding of the lasting consequences of childhood abuse that often lead to incarceration. You will also hear the victorious story of re-entry, recovery and resiliency.

Tickets are only $35.00 per person. There will be a place on our website to sign up for the Gala soon. Also, you may wish to provide a silent auction item or sponsor a table. For more details you can contact me at Your generosity will ensure Sanctified Hope continues to provide the opportunity of healing and wholeness to women who once felt hopeless and helpless; restoring lives through Christ’s transforming power.

Sue Moreland, Executive Director

The Board of Sanctified Hope
Janet Duvall, John Gordon, Shaun Herring, Gayle Wells, and Randi Daniel

Volunteer ---------------------- Partner -------------------- Donate

We invite you to check out our website, "", let us know what you think, we'd love to have your feedback at

If you feel God leading you to participate by supporting this ministry financially, please mail a check to the address below or donate securely online from this DONATE link. Thanks again.

Sanctified Hope Home for Women
P. O. Box 581
Weatherford, TX 76086